Improve your SEO

How User Personas Can Improve your SEO Performance
We have made a lot of new changes in the search marketing and this is the really long way in the accurate direction. Gone are the days when companies make a lot of pages which were targeting to keywords to rank on the Search Engines. We got a lot of visibility which causes high bounce rates

Get yourself personified
You can make your persona for doing SEO and digital marketing by using a combo of analytics data and internal team discussion. Don’t make the difficult procedure fast and try to take some time to complete the process.

Duties of Departments in persona-driven SEO
This is one of the time taking and working a lot strategy which also needs members from all the departments which need to take part in this activity. This is also used as a clear-up in our SEO process in order to focus on ranking for all the keywords but only for the vital one. Your organic visibility will never increase but you will get good space on profitable keywords that will help you in increasing the audience.
On Page SEO
You can make links and links to the internal content pages of your website in on-page SEO. This will ease the search crawler to go deeper in your website and you can make some important pages on which your search crawler can see you. Persona website visit can also increase your visit through different pages. You can also go to the chat method so that you can spend more time on the website to decrease the bounce rate and make your website stronger one. Try to make the contact in the content to make the links this will increase your website ranking in terms of proper content.
Common ways on the website must be visible for every website this will ease the audience also. We have to consider those users who are coming on the page and bounce back to the homepage. This will indicate the confusion of the user which means you have to increase the navigation of the website. You have the chance to revamp for the main page navigation and also include some supporting navigation in the internal website. The more internal links to one page are telling the search engines that these pages are dearest and nearest to us. Try to make a navigation which is like the breadcrumb.
Content on the website
Content is popular when we walk on the website with the persona this can make you the market leader if used properly. Once you started using these pages you can also observe the search analytics of Google search. Now you can recognize which keywords are making a path for this traffic to the website. You can access the pages with that specific keyword without making your visit Spam. You can use some profitable links too. Always take care that your activity shouldn’t show you spam otherwise you will never win the game.